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I Finally Shot My Age

I Finally Shot My Age

I don’t know about you but for some time now the idea of shooting your age has become a goal for many people. You’re at the course and a friend points out another golfer and tells you that they shoot their age on a regular basis. At that point you begin to wonder if you will ever be able to shoot your age. The simple problem is you are not, nor have ever been a single digit handicap golfer. You’ve…

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Which Amateur Golfer are You?

Which Amateur Golfer are You?

Slow play seems to have become a large issue on all of the Professional golf tours. Players are speaking out, announcers have opinions and even the PGA Tour seems to be talking about how to handle the situation. To repeat what I said in a previous post. Golf is a great game and most of us who play it, love it. There are a lot of people, my oldest son for one, who love the game but just don’t have…

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2019 Rules of Golf and You

2019 Rules of Golf and You

I started this post in January of this year with the intention of trying to help the average amateur golfer deal with the new rule changes. Unfortunately, I came to an impasse. Not really a writers block, but a realization of how the rules are applied or ignored my the average golfer and not sure how I wanted to deal with that. However, I decided to publish this as a guide to the revised rules and hope this may help…

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Happy New Year- Hello 2019

Happy New Year- Hello 2019

Welcome 2019. It’s hard to believe another year is beginning and one has just ended. Whether 2018 was a good or bad year for you it’s now over. 2019 is a chance for a new beginning and remember, our lives are what we make of them. It is said sometimes in jest and sometimes in all seriousness: The game of golf is like life, good decisions can have bad outcomes and bad decisions can have good outcomes. We now have…

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2018 Ryder Cup

2018 Ryder Cup

This past weekend the United States Professional Golfers played against the European Professional Golfers for the coveted Ryder Cup.  They played a golf course outside Paris, France.  Advantage Europe.  I’ll explain what I mean later.  In truth Europe took full advantage of the set-up and handily won the Cup back from the Americans. Before I get into the competition itself, I’d like to make an observation that all amateur golfers should take notice and keep in mind. Missed shots.  I…

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Your Private Practice Facility

Your Private Practice Facility

PRACTICE! PRACTICE!  PRACTICE! All of our lives we have heard that to do anything well requires a lot of practice.  We’ve heard that in school, in sports, you name it.  Why should golf be any different.  Some players have natural talent and pick up the game easily.  However, even these players who quickly move to the 90’s, then 80’s and into the 70’s play a lot of golf to get there.  They also put in a lot of practice.  Most…

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The Round That Got Away

The Round That Got Away

I believe it is undeniable, no matter who you are, you get on the course one day and nothing works.  We’ve seen pros shoot rounds of way too many shots over par.  For the amateur, it’s that round that can be 7 to 10 shots over your average.  A round like that is nothing but pure frustration.  Oh, you can and will hit some bad shots in a round but these rounds have more bad shots than usual. My regular…

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Road to Game Improvement II

Road to Game Improvement II

As I looked to follow up on my recent blog “Road to Game Improvement I”, I realized that I should actually track my game at this point so the information and results I may relate to you will be current.  So guess there will be a “Road to Game Improvement III”. I then realized that I recently have started something to improve the consistency of my ball striking.  I had become very frustrated on the fairways and sometimes off the…

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Road to Game Improvement I

Road to Game Improvement I

How is your game?  Do you want to improve?  Of course you do, everyone wants to play better golf. What is your road to improvement?  Believe me it is personal to you.  I can’t tell you what your road is.  I can give you a list of ways I believe you can approach improvement and you can choose what you want to do.  I can only tell you what I do.  What I currently choose as my road to improvement….

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Do You Watch the LPGA?

Do You Watch the LPGA?

I believe, for whatever reason, most men do not watch women’s sports.  They actually say that the game is not of the caliber of the mens game and not fun to watch.  The usual exception is a man whose daughter or granddaughter is into sports and plays a sport.  They might play baseball or softball, soccer, basketball, swimming, water polo, golf, etc.  These Dads and Granddads support the girls.  They have a vested interest in watching and rooting for their…

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